
Happiness is Found Where there is Balance

Happiness is Found Where there is Balance

It’s our natural instinct to seek out joy, pleasure, balance, comfort, and contentment. Happiness has so many different qualities to it, and goes by so many different names. When we really get to the root of our motivation to do just about anything, we’ll almost always find some version of the word “happiness,” usually alongside things like “safety” and “love.”

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How to Stop Getting in Your ‘Own’ Way By  Owning Your LIFE.

How to Stop Getting in Your ‘Own’ Way By Owning Your LIFE.

When it comes to making any lasting change in life, you want to use the same approach you would use when trying to teach a child something new. It's a learning process and journey, not a race. And there is no need to criticize and push yourself so hard that you lose sight of the importance of enjoying the whole ride.

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Cultivate a healthier relationship with anxiety.

Cultivate a healthier relationship with anxiety.

How can you get ahead of this feeling of angst? When people suffer from anxiety, it is because they accidentally believe the distortions and exaggerations in their mind. I work with super smart people who also, at times, can’t get out of the loop of intense angst. And, I don’t know about you, but I’m a little tired of reading the same tips over and over about ‘how to calm down and destress.’

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Are you reaching your full potential?

Are you reaching your full potential?

No matter how much success you achieve on the outside, are you secretly being hard on yourself and putting enormous pressure on yourself to be perfect on the inside? When I help people grow confidence, I lead them to own courageously who they know themselves to be – from the inside out. I show you how to leave behind the “shoulds” and instead do what is truly right for you. You actually can learn how to listen to your inner wisdom.

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"If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent."

"If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent."

Consistency. Why do some have it and others don't? It's impossible to make rules. Or is it? What does consistency have to do with discipline?

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How can we become more vulnerable?

How can we become more vulnerable?

The situation that usually reveals our real relationship with vulnerability shows up with the people in our life who we really care about. So, what are those ingrained methods of self-protection, which uniquely arise with those we love, that make us want to work on becoming more courageous and vulnerable?

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